What’s on the Shelf?

I’m always looking for pre-generated lists to add to my gamemastering binder. You just never know what you’ll need to come up with on the fly, and lists of names (people, taverns, businesses, etc), treasures, encounters, and so on can make your GM life so much easier. After I wrote my post about marginalia, I realized that one of the things I was missing from my collection of lists was a list of book titles. As much as I love it when there is a library in a published adventure, too often they name the plot important books and ignore the rest. Inevitably one of the players will ask about those other books.

Problem solved! I sat down and made a list of book titles covering a range of subjects. I started with twenty five titles, and I’ll be adding to the list as more titles occur to me. I’ve shared those first twenty five below, giving you a starting point for your own list. Obviously you should feel free to modify these entries to better fit your campaign. The titles range in tone from silly to serious. The list is also weighted to books which might fit a fantasy or occult campaign, but it wouldn’t be hard to create a list of more modern titles if that was needed.

  1. Non-Euclidean Geometry and Its Application to Architectural Design, Vol. II (Vol. I is not present)
  2. Oozes, Molds, and Semi-Intelligent Plants: A Cook’s Guide
  3. My Time Amongst the Vegepygmies
  4. Her Hooves They Shone Like the Diamonds: Collected Love Poems and Songs of the Centaur Peoples
  5. What Colour is Your Gelatinous Cube?: Tips for Using Dyes and Stains 
  6. Elves are from the Feywild, Orcs are from Gruumsh
  7. A Fifty Year Retrospective of the Cheesemaker’s Guild
  8. Inter-City Relations in Post-Scarcity Faerun
  9. The Care and Feeding of Your Buopoth
  10. A Gentleman’s Guide to Bullywug Etiquette
  11. The Collected Minutes of the Ptolus Benevolent Society, Volume XVII
  12. Gold, Beer, and Steel: A Dwarven Songbook
  13. Oh Brother Where Art Thou?: How to Lead Your Own Cult
  14. Half-Orc, All Rage: Tips and Tricks for Anger Management
  15. Calling the Great Old Ones, a Posthumous Publication
  16. Monster Scatology: a Jeweler’s Guide
  17. Whose Bones are Those?: Dice Games of the Planes
  18. Kobold Guide to Trap Design
  19. Predator and Prey: Dating a Lycanthrope
  20. Weather Readings on Mount Thrandor, Common Year 4637
  21. If it Fits, It’s Grits: A Field Guide to Goblin Cuisine
  22. A Barbarian’s Guide to Unleashing What’s Inside (Your Enemy)
  23. Fur-braiding Styles of the Lowland Bugbear Tribes
  24. A Crafter’s Guide to Humanoid Physiology
  25. The Mysterious Case of the Left-handed Flumph

There you go! Feel free to adjust any of these titles to better fit your campaign. Or don’t, and leave the players wondering.

Do you have some favourite in-game book titles? Share them in the comments below.

Comments? Questions? Amusing Anecdotes?